You may or may not know me from Twitter or my personal substack essays or maybe from back in the day from all my work in the online business and marketing spheres. Perhaps you met me at a pagan event and were introduced to me as FireHeart, with Renewal Coven. Those are all facets of myself. So: hi! I’m glad you’re here. My identity has gone through multiple iterations as I discover more and more who I am. To an onlooker, I suppose it might seem confusing; but for me, it’s been a liberating and profound experience.
Here at Three Oaks, our large communal family home, I manage the laundry-ing process (clean linens are good!), co-parent our kids (especially shifts keeping track of and playing with our three-year-old), and cook a family meal about once a month, and keep our group calendar(s) updated so everyone knows what’s right now, what’s next, and what to plan for.
We all contribute to living here in the ways that we’re able, and for me that includes things that I can do without too much up-and-down-stairs. We all have a variable spoons capacity, and sometimes I can do things and sometimes I can’t. There’s a lot more about this that I’d love to talk about (and I did write a piece on adventures in chosen family).
I think that’s good enough for an introduction. I’d love to know where you do (or don’t) know me from, and I would really enjoy any conversations we can have in the comments on this piece.
xox, Nix
P.S. if you’re especially curious, here’s my links page.